
Patterns of Tension Falling Away Like Layers of an Onion

One feature of the recovery process that begins when the nerve obstruction is removed with
the first NeuroStructural Correction is structural remodeling to a more efficient pattern. More
efficient in relation to one’s center of gravity which means less wear and tear; more efficient
in relation to the patterns of muscle tension that held the old structure in place; and more
efficient in relation to how perceptions and emotions were rallied to solidify the old structural
defense strategy.

One of the things the body is really great at is its ability to create a strategy to protect itself
when it senses threat, and it can do this in the blink of an eye by utilizing perception and

Let me illustrate the point this way: when an accident or injury is occurring, there will be a perception of danger which triggers an emotion, such as fear or anger, which sets a pattern of self defense into motion. In a split second, the energy that was apportioned to the fine-tuned muscles that kept the structure balanced over the center of gravity is reapportioned to larger skeletal muscles setting up something like an armor of tension around the body; the structure collapses away from the center of gravity causing nerve obstruction; and the body’s automatic operating system shifts to a fight or flight state causing the chronic circulation of stress hormones like cortisol.

Over time, greater and greater levels of tension can develop, like layers of an onion, all held together by the nerve obstruction and the initial perception and emotion generated in that split second during the traumatic incident. What’s worse is that the perception and emotion become tied in with how a person approaches the external world and how they relate to themselves internally.

When the structure is released from nerve obstruction with the first NeuroStructural Correction, the body instinctively loosens the grip of the traumatic perception and emotion that held the structural pattern of defense together. We encourage people to pay close attention to previously unconscious emotions that may surface so that the body can perceive the safety of the current environment in relation to the traumatic incident, giving the unconscious emotion a chance to sense that it has completed its duty.

Moreover, we try to help people develop a good self awareness of when their structure is recovering to a self corrective pattern and when it has lost its correction, so they can build a strategy of approaching life that works for them without overwhelming their personal resources.